Friday, May 29, 2009

had so much fun today at kak lia b'dae was organised at nenek house and it damn fun.ok so here is today schedule.firstly i went to school for my malay intensive program and then stayed back to play uno with my dearest at school & at the mac.i guess we are addicted to the card game teehee:))then i went home with rini and then i went for my religious classes.rejen -kn hirdayu pergy ngaji hehe anyway after dhat i went to nenek house at was so full dhat papa car cant go in the house haha.dearest mummy cant come cause she is left me and daniel going to dhat party.ouh & hope u like our present kak:D papa & mama was fussy abt my results haha:DD anyway i went home at about 7pm and here im posting this entry.

mummy,papa,mama,kak lia & dearest friends are <3333!

oh btw i fought with daniel just nw.seriously idk why but my feelings for u is starting to fade.i felt dhat our relationship is slowly fading away.i wish i had neer accept ue in the first place.i felt dhat due to this relationship i had become someone whom i never knew.always moody.feeling angry at my friends.i am not the gurl whom always smile and never feels angry anyway.even im not sure who im nowadays.i have always love ue daniel not dhat i dont.but this relationship is slowly suffocating me.ue are not the person whom i had known.ue expect me to be perfect but have ue even think abt my feelings?tears are falling on my cheek when im writing this.idk why i cant be the gurl whom used to smile even when im angry.i tend to cry easily nowadays.idk why:(